Senin, 01 Juni 2009

The cause pimple

The cause of the stoppage is whelk pore-pore skin produced by the oil gland munyak, this will cause a stoppage, called a spot jerawat.Kulit and natural human hair to receive lubricant oils produced by the oil gland pore-pore issued. Oil production this could be less, or over-fitting, in general, the amount of oil production this fit as needed so that pore-pore is not problematic.

Stoppage on the pore-pore does not open the pustule will appear white and if the stoppage occurred in the pore-pore open the pustule will become. Pore-pore walls are open, so can also cause infection under the skin around the pimple so that the red blotch munculah. Pore-pore can also be opened in the very, causing a stoppage in enough in this case appears pustule stone.

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